We are here to Help You Discover what You are Owed by the VA...
(Individual results may vary based on the VA’s Decision(s) and filing does not guarantee claim approval. Prices are subject to change.)
(Individual results may vary based on the VA’s Decision(s) and filing does not guarantee claim approval. Prices are subject to change.)
(Individual results may vary based on the VA’s Decision(s) and filing does not guarantee claim approval. Prices are subject to change.)
(Individual results may vary based on the VA’s Decision(s) and filing does not guarantee claim approval. Prices are subject to change.)
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(Individual results may vary based on the VA’s Decision(s) and filing does not guarantee claim approval. Prices are subject to change.)
SAN DIEGO HAS A MAJOR PROBLEM! Thousands of homeless disabled veterans are NOT receiving the monthly VA Disability compensation payments they are owed.
If they did, they’d have the necessary funds to afford housing, and wouldn’t be homeless!
VETCOMM US was founded as a VETERAN FIRST organization in response to disabled Veterans’ dissatisfaction with choosing between “FREE”, but “Low & Slow Rating Results” provided by other claim filing organizations, and the “Profit First” companies who may overcharge or turn away thousands because they’re considered “Unprofitable” if filing an initial claim. VETCOMM US offers an Advanced VA Disability FAST-PASS Claim Filing Course & Workbook to educate Veterans about the VA Claim Process and then provides DONE-WITH-YOU VA Disability Claim Filing Assistance.